Loyal Backers

Hello and welcome back friends!

Guess what? Infinite Black is celebrating its 5th birthday! We’d like to thank all of you who have supported our quests over the years. Your patronage has allowed us to be a part of an amazing community and create unique items for the hobbies that we love. To celebrate, we’re doing something that we’ve never done before!

Thank You exclusive d20

As a previous backer on one of our crowdfunding projects we want to offer you a RARE, exclusive d20 that will only be available to you. These special d20s are variant ink colors from our new 1UP-Dice line that will not be available to the general public. Heck, these variants won't even be available to first-time supporters on the new 1UP-Dice campaign! These are a special “Thank You” to our friends that continue to support our campaigns over the years.


So how do I get mine? All returning backers on the NOW LIVE 1UP-Dice campaign will be able to choose in the pledge manager, which one of these exclusive d20s they’d like added to their rewards. If you're a completionist, like us, we'll have the other colors available as add-ons at that time. But again, this is limited to our friends who have supported us in the past.

👉 Join us NOW and be a part of 1UP-Dice! 

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